What if, instead of just writing a check, you could work on a project that would provide long-term help to those in need without ever leaving your hometown?
Those were some of the questions running through founder Scott Kalevik’s mind after returning from a trip to the West African Nation of Liberia in 2004. While in Liberia, Scott witnessed the impoverished lives of people living without the most basic of necessities: things like shelter, medical care, education, and sanitary living conditions. Orphaned and abandoned children were living in impoverished orphanages, each day consumed with the task of survival.
Upon returning from his trip, Scott was feeling desperate to find a way to address the issues he had witnessed. With the help of co-founders Bart Wear and Jack Heimbichner, Homes of Living Hope was born.
The premise of Homes of Living Hope is simple; ship the expertise, resources, and willingness of volunteers in the United States with a ready-made building constructed inside of shipping containers. In 2006, Homes of Living Hope was established, and it is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Homes of Living Hope has partnered with schools, churches, and community volunteer groups in converting shipping containers and transforming lives. Homes of Living Hope connects volunteers across the United States with international humanitarian aid agencies to produce fully functional container facilities for underserved communities around the world.
These aid agencies, which include Life in Abundance International, based in Nairobi, Kenya, and Urban Mosaic (formerly ConeXion Mosaico), based in Mexico City, provide life-giving services such as education, health care, and dental services to populations in great need.
Over the past 10 years, Homes of Living Hope has worked with organizations to produce fantastic and functional containers that have been delivered all over the world.
Check out some of our coolest stats!
Our first container was completed in Cheyenne, Wyoming in 2011.
Over the past 10 years, containers have traveled 71,573.5 miles.
Homes of Living Hope projects 153,400 people will be directly impacted by a container project over the next 10 years.
Homes of Living Hope has worked with over 5,200 volunteers.
65,590 people have been positively impacted by Homes of Living Hope containers in their communities.
Destinations for containers have included: Uganda, Kenya, Mexico City, and downtown Denver (to name a few!)
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